The Christian Heritage Centre

Courses Events

Faith & Reason [residential course]

Faith & Reason: A Catholic Integration
[residential course]

5th -8th August 2021

Explore the rationality of the Catholic Faith

A 3-day residential course led by Dr Andrew Beards and Dr Caroline Farey

This short, residential summer course is designed to offer a foundation for understanding the relationship of faith with philosophy, science and culture. The course will provide an introduction to the role of philosophy in elaborating the Catholic Faith, as well as the relationship and controversies between Catholicism and secular thinking and the sciences.

The course will consist of 10 lectures distributed over three days, with a dedicated Q&A session and plenty of opportunity for discussion and debate. 

No residential would be complete without time for prayer and socialising. Opportunities for Mass and communal prayer will be offered, as well as plenty of social time with a well-stocked bar to promote discussion!

Course topics
  • Introduction to Philosophy
  • Introduction to St John Paul II’s encyclical on Faith and Reason, Fides et Ratio
  • Faith and Reason: Complementarity and Controversies
  • Faith and Science: Relationship and Controversies
  • Faith & Science: Eucharistic Miracles
  • Introduction to Theological Anthropology
  • Evangelisation through Aesthetics
Is this course for me?

The course requires no prior qualification or background in philosophy or theology, and is suited to anyone wanting to deepen their rational understanding of the Catholic faith, whether from within or without the Church.

The course will be particularly helpful for secondary-level teachers and for catechists, especially those working with teenagers and adults. It will provide a foundational overview of key philosophical themes that are essential in offering explanations for Catholic belief, as well as addressing some of the themes most commonly-raised by those enquiring about or studying the Catholic faith.

Meet our experienced and highly-qualified tutors
Dr Caroline Farey

Dr Caroline Farey has taught catechesis, theology and philosophy for many years throughout the English-speaking world. In 2017 she was appointed by the Pontifical Council for the New Evangelisation to the working party for the General Directory for Catechesis, and in 2012 she was appointed by the Vatican as one of the lay experts at the Synod on the New Evangelisation. Dr Farey taught at St Mary’s Seminary Oscott and the Maryvale Institute, before working in Evangelisation and Catechesis for several UK dioceses.  She has licentiates in both philosophy and theology, besides a doctorate in philosophy, from pontifical institutes.

Dr Andrew Beards

Dr Andrew Beards is a lecturer in philosophy at Allen Hall, London. For over thirty years he has lectured in Philosophy and Theology in Canada and the UK. Andrew has published work in academic journals and is the author of books, including Objectivity and Historical Understanding, (Brookfield. VA & Aldershot: Ashgate, 1997), Method in Metaphysics: (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2008), Insight and Analysis, (New York and London: Continuum, 2010), Philosophy the Quest for Truth and Meaning, (Collegeville, Minn: Liturgical Press, 2010) and  Lonergan, Meaning and Method: Philosophical Essays, (New York and London: Bloomsbury Academic, 2016)

About the venue

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 3pm (Thursday)
  • Course commences at 6pm (Thursday)
  • Departures after lunch (Sunday)

Single room: £290 p.p.*

Twin room (sharing): £240 p.p.*

Non-residential, (includes lunch and dinner): £180 p.p.

*Costs include full board from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.

Precautions against Covid-19 are implemented at Theodore House as advised by the Government.

In case of cancellation or postponment resulting from Covid-19, deposits and payments will be refunded or carried over.

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):


Events Talks

The Logos & Literature [online evening talks]

The Logos & Literature:
Elaborating the Divine
[online evening talks]

29th April-8th July 2021 @7:30pm

Explore some of the great themes of Catholic Christianity,
in writing old and new

Online at 7:30pm every second Thursday, beginning 29th April. Talks last 45-60 minutes, followed by 30 minutes Q&A.

Please register at the bottom of this page for a link.

29th April
Rev. Dr Michael Halsall
Tolkien's Cosmology: Understanding Our World

JRR Tolkien’s mythical world captured the hearts and minds of millions. His world is one that speaks to us because it is anchored in a profound truth: that of a cosmos brought into being and continually guided, whilst simultaneously respecting the free choices of its creatures. Rev. Dr Halsall will explore the beauty of Tolkien’s vision as a reflection of the Catholic understanding of the cosmos, as defined in its relationship to the Creator.

Fr Halsall is a priest of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham, and teaches Philosophy at Allen Hall Seminary in London. Fr Halsall’s recent book – Creation and Beauty in Tolkien’s Catholic Vision – explores the philosophical themes in Tolkien’s crafted creation narratives, alongside those of the Christian tradition, influenced as they are by varieties of Christian Neoplatonism.

13th May
Searching for Truth: Fact and Fiction Today

Fiction plays a powerful role in the search for and perception of truth. Historical fiction offers a means of accessing the past, and contemporary fiction often helps to shape the way a society is perceived. Fiorella Nash will explore the importance of both genres in seeking and reclaiming truths both religious and about ourselves, and in a particular way, the role of the murder mystery genre in the search for truth and justice.

Fiorella De Maria is an Anglo-Maltese writer who grew up in Wiltshire, England and studied English literature at Cambridge University. A winner of the National Book Prize of Malta, she has published ten books including: Poor Banished Children, Do No Harm, We’ll Never Tell Them, A Most Dangerous Innocence and the Father Gabriel mysteries which have been described as “Miss Marple for the twenty-first century”. She lives in Surrey with her husband, four children and a dog called Monty.  

27th May
Catechetical Poetry: Presenting Christianity in China

The beauty and structure of poetry presents a particular form of literature that is at once attractive and easily memorised. Roy Peachey will examine how Wu Li, one of the masters of early Qing Dynasty painting, used traditional Chinese verse to evangelise the people of China. Even after he became a Jesuit priest in 1688, Wu Li continued to paint and write poetry, using his elegant art to present the essentials of Christianity to the Chinese people at a time of great political and religious uncertainty. Despite the very different conditions in which it was produced, his work therefore offers an intriguing example for our own times too.

Roy Peachey was educated at Oxford, London and Lancaster universities, studying Modern History, English and Chinese Studies. He is has held several senior educational roles whilst teaching, and pubilshed a number of books, including 50 Books for Life: A Concise Guide to Catholic Literature.

10th June
Fiction as Formation: CS Lewis and the Chronicles of Narnia

The Chronicles of Narnia draw much of their depth from CS Lewis’ appreciation of the Christian vision of education and the liberal arts. Dr Rebekah Lamb will focus on the formative elements of Lewis’ fiction, with special emphasis on The Silver Chair.

Dr. Rebekah Lamb lectures at the School of Divinity, University of St. Andrew’s. She specialises in Religion and Literature from the long-nineteenth century to the present, with  emphasis on the Pre-Raphaelites and their affiliate circles. Prior to St. Andrews Rebekah was an inaugural Étienne Gilson Post-Doctoral Fellow at the University of St. Michael’s College (USMC) in the University of Toronto and also taught Literature and Humanities Studies at Our Lady Seat of Wisdom College (SWC) in the Ottawa Valley.

24th June
Educating in Virtue: Appealing to the Young Mind

Stories are a fundamental and important means of communicating principals and actions by which to live life: namely morality and virtue. They have played a central role in education in every civilised society, adapting to the specifics of each era and place. Acclaimed author, Corinna Turner, will explore the challenges of presenting and exemplifying virtues in literature to the modern, young mind.

Corinna Turner is the Carnegie medal nominated author of the I Am Margaret series, The Boy Who Knew (Carlo Acutis), and other works for young adults and adults. She is a Lay Dominican, and lives in the UK.

Inspiring Heroism: Counter-Reformation Catholicism and English Drama

The Catholic Church’s response to the challenges posed by the Reformation was often embodied in drama and performance. Even among England’s persecuted Catholics, cultural activity of this kind occurred: secretly or discreetly on the mainland, and more openly in plays put on by the colleges set up on the Continent to educate English youths. Both at home and abroad, such plays encouraged Catholics to hold onto tradition, and celebrated saints and martyrs in a way intended to inspire both actors and audience.

Prof. Alison Shell is Professor of English at University College London, and runs the MA in English: Shakespeare in History. She is an editor and critic, reviewing for the Times Literary Supplement, the Church Times and a number of academic journals. Principal works include: Catholicism, Controversy, and the English Literary Imagination, 1558-1660 (1999), Oral Culture and Catholicism in Early Modern England (2007), and Shakespeare And Religion (2011)

***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***

Please register below:

Events Retreats

Loving Holiness [weekend retreat]

Loving Holiness:
St Joseph & Our Lady
[weekend retreat]

31st July - 2nd August 2021

Meditations on the holiest of married couples, in honour of the year dedicated to St Joseph by Pope Francis

A weekend retreat for any adult, whether single, married or consecrated

Conferences preached by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Daily timetable includes Holy Mass (Extraordinary Form), Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Latin Compline and Confession.

Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s church available for prayer.

Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside.

Comfortable en-suite accommodation in a quiet setting.


  • Arrivals from 3pm (Saturday)
  • Retreat commences at 6pm (Saturday)
  • Departures from 3pm (Monday)
About the speaker:

Fr Armand de Malleray, F.S.S.P., was born in France. After military service in Hungary and seminary studies in Germany, he was ordained a priest in 2001. As a priest, he has spent much of his time in England, working with youth and in parishes. He established the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in England, and has become well known as a retreat director for priests and laity alike.


Single room:  £160 per person

Twin room (sharing): £110 per person

Costs include full board from Saturday dinner to Monday lunch inclusive.

Precautions against Covid-19 are implemented at Theodore House as advised by the Government.

In case of cancellation or postponment resulting from Covid-19, deposits and payments will be refunded or carried over.

All places are now sold out. If you would like to register your name as a reserve in case of cancellation, please email [email protected]

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):


Clergy Events

Pastoral Practice Today [clergy webinars]

Pastoral Practice Today
[clergy webinars]

Thursdays @4pm GMT

Pastoral Practice Today is a series of webinars aimed at clergy. The series offers input on different themes relevant to today’s ministry in the Catholic Church and beyond, aiming to offer clergy professional, ongoing support for their ministry.

Webinars take place at 4pm GMT on the advertised Thursdays. Please register at the bottom of this page.

Legislation and Liturgy: Church- State relationships in the light of the pandemic
Thursday 18th March

Bishop John Keenan, of Paisley Diocese, Scotland, will offer an introduction to this webinar.

Lawyers from Alliance Defending Freedom International will then examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the government’s relationship with the Church. In particular, the issue of corporate worship and the administration of the sacraments stands at the heart of debate over religious rights and the government’s mandate to protect public health.

ADFI is a faith-based legal advocacy organization that protects fundamental freedoms and promotes the inherent dignity of all people.  ADFI has considerable international experience of religious and civil liberties legislation, and has assisted with several legal proceedings related to the current pandemic.

Post-Abortion Healing
Thursday 15th April

Rachel’s Vineyard has been offering a ministry of healing and support since 1994 to
those suffering from the trauma of abortion.

The presentation will include how to recognise symptoms of Post Abortion Syndrome, testimonies from those who have been through the trauma of abortion and found God’s mercy and healing
though Rachel’s Vineyard, plus input from a priest who is a chaplain to one of the teams in the UK.

A Crisis of Identity and Sexual Difference
Thursday 22nd July

The notion of identity is, today, one that is increasingly liquid and ultimately considered to be uncertain. This presentation will examine the roots of this crisis of identity. It will then consider the area of human sexuality (in terms of sexual and gender identity) as a particular expression of our identity and therefore in its relation to this crisis.

Rev. Dr. Alberto Frigero is a priest of the Diocese of Milan and Assistant Professor of Ethics of Life at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Milan and lecturer of Religion at the Professional Training Center “In-Presa” in Carate Brianza, Italy. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery and obtained a Master in Integrative Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He obtained his Licentiate and Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Theological John Paul II Institute in Rome and Washington.

***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***

Please register below:

Events Talks

Lenten Monday Mysteries [prayer meetings]

Lenten Monday Mysteries
[prayer meetings]

22nd February- 22nd March @8pm

A short, weekly meditation on the Sorrowful Mysteries

A simple way of taking on some extra prayer for Lent!

Each meeting will focus on one of the Sorrowful Mysteries, and will consist of a passage from Scripture, followed by a meditation on the passage, and conclude with the praying of a decade of the rosary.

22nd February
Christ’s Agony in the Garden
1st March
Christ Scourged at the Pillar
8th March
Christ Crowned with Thorns
15th March
Christ Carries His Cross
22nd March
Christ is Crucified
Please register below:

Conferences Events

Integrating Spirit, Mind & Body [mental health webinars]

Integrating Spirit, Mind & Body
[webinars for mental
health professionals]

13th February & 13th March @10amGMT

Promoting mental health with Christian wisdom

Two webinars for mental health professionals seeking to unite their faith and practice

In partnership with

Integrating Spirit, Mind & Body is intended to offer a forum for Christian mental health professionals to learn from and support each other in their work.

Building on the fundamental Christian vision of the human person as a unity of soul and body, the two webinars will examine the relationship of soul and of body to mental health. Olivia Raw will examine the healthy attitudes and mindsets that are promoted by Christian wisdom and spirituality, and Elizabeth Corcoran will explore the benefits for mental health in caring for our body in a holistic manner.

Webinars take place at 10am GMT on Saturday 13the Feburary and Saturday 13th March. Please register at the bottom of this page for a link.

Olivia Raw
13th February - Thinking Christianity & Mental Health

Olivia Raw is an accredited and registered psychotherapist, who currently works in private practice in central London.  She is also a Catholic Chaplain at University College London and SOAS (School of Oriental and African Studies.) Olivia has worked with young people for over twenty years, and is also on the international board of the World Youth Alliance. She is a lay member of the Verbum Dei Missionary Family.

Dr Elizabeth Corcoran
13th March - A Thinking Body, Embodied Minds

Dr Liz Corcoran has a passion for empowering people to restore their health through changing how they interact with their world. Through her own and family members’ struggles with health she was led to Functional Medicine. She graduated Royal Free University College London in 2005 and completed higher training in psychiatry. She has pursued further education with the Institute of Functional Medicine as a means to ‘come alongside’ her patients to help them make changes and improve their health. She also runs the only UK charity focused on medical research helping people with Down’s syndrome.


***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***

Please register below:

Conferences Events

Set Free Summit [online series]

Set Free Summit
for Young Adults
[online series]

7 February-14th March @4pm

Discover the Mystery of Human Love

An online course for Young Adults aged 18-30, exploring relationships and human sexuality.

In partnership with

The Set Free Summit is an initiative of ICPE Mission. Bringing together speakers from around the globe, it offers young adults an opportunity to explore the theme of relationships and human sexuality in the light of St Pope John Paul II’s rich teachings.

The Summit consists of six sessions held online. Each session consists of a 30-minute video presentation by one of the engaging and expert speakers. This is followed by a time for discussion and sharing in small groups, mediated by one of the ICPE Mission – CHC team. A final Q&A and closing prayer as a single group rounds off each session.

We invite you to sign up and join other young adults from around the UK and beyond, to engage with our fantastic speakers on the topics below. Sign up individually and join as a group.

Takes place from 4 – 5:30pm on Sundays, beginning 7th February through till 14th March. Please register at the bottom of this page for a link.

Brian Butler
7th February - Introduction to the Theology of the Body

Brian Butler is the co-founder and president of Dumb Ox Ministries, a non-profit organization doing chastity and vocation formation for teens and young adults.  He is co-author of Theology of the Body for Teens: High School and Middle School Editions and the director of the feature-length reality film, Mystery Trip.  Brian holds a bachelor’s degree in communications from the University of New Orleans and a master’s degree in theology from Notre Dame Seminary School of Theology.

Dr Mario Sacasa
14th February - Making Sense of Masculinity

I am a Catholic Christian husband and father, that’s my primary vocation and passion. I am happily married to my wife of 16 years, Kristin, and together we share the joy of parenting our four sons. For work, I have a private counseling practice in New Orleans, LA. I am also the Associate Director of Willwoods Faith and Marriage. At Willwoods, I offer lectures, retreats, contribute regularly to their blog, and host a bi-weekly podcast, Always Hope with Dr. Mario.

Kerri Christopher
21st February - Rooted in Feminity

Kerri Christopher, M.A., S.T.L., became the first woman in the world to receive a Licentiate in the New Evangelisation, 2012. As part of her doctoral studies at the Pontifical Lateran University in Rome, she researched the nature of gender and the vocation of woman. She also has extensive experience in teaching the thought of St. John Paul II, systematic theology, and issues of sexuality.  Kerri has taught at the University of Dallas, Texas, St. Mary’s University, Twickenham, and at the Center for the thought of John Paul II, Warsaw, as well as at Oscott Seminary, Birmingham. 

Kendra Von Esh
28th February - No Sex, No Kidding

Kendra Von Esh was a Corporate Executive who thought she had it all—money, prestige, power and bought into the “me” culture. She devoured all the pleasures this world had to offer but nothing satisfied her desire to “Find Something More” and her life filled with stress, anxiety and never being good enough continued as the norm.  She bought into the lie that life was not supposed to be peaceful and loving … that it was stressful and difficult so party hard because life is short.

Daniella Grillo
7th March - Sexuality: Current Trends & Challenges

Daniella  was born in Bari, in 1973. She graduated from Royal Holloway & Bedford New College, University of London, with a Bachelor’s Degree in French. In Rome she got a Master in Tourism management. She speaks several languages. 

After working for a Rotary District in the South of Italy, for a few years, she moved to Rome where she is currently working for an international organization of lay missionaries who carry out evangelisation activities worldwide and humanitarian work in Africa- the ICPE Mission.

Fr Rob Galea
14th March - Music Heals Body & Soul

Fr Rob Galea is an ordained Catholic Priest and is currently serving in Sandhurst Diocese, Victoria after moving to Australia from Malta, his home country. He is a singer and songwriter with an international fan base. Apart from a series of recordings and CD releases, Fr Rob has also written a number of songs for various campaigns and international conferences.

***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***
Please register below:

If booking as a group, please indicate the group size with the appropriate number of ticket.

Events Talks

The Drama Displayed: A Journey of Salvation [online evening talks]

The Drama Displayed:
A Journey of Salvation
[online evening talks]

14 January-25th March @7:30pm

Six talks, six moments in Salvation History

Reflections on key Biblical themes, illustrated with artistic masterpieces.

Online at 7:30pm every second Thursday, beginning 14th January. Please register at the bottom of this page for a link.

Stefan Kaminski
14th January - In the Beginning

A reflection on Genesis 1 and 2, on the nature of God, the mystery of Creation and man’s relationship to God, with the aid of Michelangelo’s series of paintings on creation.

Stefan Kaminski is the Director of The Christian Heritage Centre. He gained a licentiate from the Pontifical John Paul II Institute in Rome, specialising in theological anthropology. Prior to that, he studied for degrees in Philosophy and in Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome. He has worked in a wide variety of parishes and in schools, as a catechist and teacher.

Dr David Torevell
28th January - The Naked Truth

The talk will focus on humanity’s first disobedience in Genesis 3, and the resulting experience of loss and shame, supported by an examination of Masaccio’s “The Expulsion”.

Dr David Torevell is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at Leeds Trinity University, before which he taught Religion and Philosophy at Liverpool Hope University. Prior to that he spent eighteen years teaching in Catholic secondary schools. For more information about Dr Torevell, please click here.

Fr John Hemer
11th February - A Great Love Song

A talk based on the Song of Songs: the great love song at the heart of the Bible. Following humanity’s distancing from God, the Old Testament tells the story of God’s loving approach to humanity, which is captured in the poetry of the Song of Songs.

Fr John Hemer is a Mill Hill missionary who has worked in Pakistan, Kenya and Uganda, as well as the UK. He is a scripture scholar, specialising in the Old Testament, who has lectured and taught throughout his ministry.

Dr Caroline Farey
25th February - The Greatest Gift

God’s approach to us as Son and Redeemer, in the person of Jesus Christ, is the pivotal point of human history. Several artistic pieces will be used to aid in a reflection on the mystery of the Incarnation and of our Redemption in this talk.

Dr Caroline Farey has taught catechesis, theology and philosophy for many years throughout the English-speaking world. She has held several important positions, having also been appointed by the Vatican as one of the lay experts at the Synod on the New Evangelisation. She has a passion for Sacred Art, which she has long made use of in her teaching. For more information about Dr Farey’s current work, please click here.

Pam Moon
11th March - Signs of Passion

This talk will be based around the Turin Shroud, offering a very visual aid to the sufferings of Our Lord in His Passion and Death, as well as some insights into the history and study of the Shroud.

In 2008, Pam acquired a full-sized replica of the Shroud from Barrie Schwortz, the official photographer of the 1978 STuRP scientific examination of the Shroud.  It was one of the first four replicas he created.  She was so moved by the beauty of the Shroud that she developed an exhibition around the replica. For more information about the exhibition, please click here.

Sr Emanuela Edwards
25th March - The Life to Come [starting at 8:00pm]

A reflection on the Last Things, which are most vividly spoken of in the Book of Revelation, but also given concrete shape by the Gospels. Amongst others, Michelangelo’s Last Judgement in the Sistine Chapel will provide an artistic aid to this talk.

Sr Emanuela Edwards is a member of the Missionaries of Divine Revelation, an apostolic community orientated towards the New Evangelisation. She has worked extensively with the Vatican Museums delivering tours and talks on Art and Faith. For more information about the Missionaries of Divine revelation, please click here.

***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***

Please register below:

Events Talks

Saints, Scholars and Spiritual Masters [online evening talk] – #8 St Francis of Assisi

Saints, Scholars & Spiritual Masters 8 - St Francis of Assisi
[online evening talk]

Thursday 10 December @7:30pm

God & the Crib:
St Francis & Greccio

Eighth of the online series: Saints, Scholars and Spiritual Masters

In the weeks before Christmas, the final talk of Saints, Scholars and Spiritual Masters appropriately turns to St Francis of Assisi, who built the first crib on a hillside above Greccio, in the Rieti valley, Italy. St Francis’ love for the mystery of God’s Incarnation spilt over into his radical choice of a life of poverty and prayer, following in the footsteps of his master, Jesus Christ. His profound and intense spiritual life powered a charismatic life of preaching. Fr Gabriel Kyte, of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, will offer insights into the Christmas-orientated spirituality of this ever-popular saint.

About the speaker:
This talk concludes the Saints, Scholars & Spiritual Masters series

For the flier, please click here


***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***
Please register below:

Events Talks

Margaret Clitheroe [book launch]

"Margaret Clitheroe"
by John & Wendy Rayne-Davis
[book launch]

30 August, 7:30pm [2019]

Book launch of "Margaret Clitheroe"

A presentation of “Margaret Clitheroe” by the authors, followed by questions, drinks & nibbles

“Margaret Clitheroe” is a fresh look at one of England’s best-loved saints. It includes an overview of England’s transition to Protestantism and Elizabeth’s role in the anti-Catholic movement of the time, as well as a consideration of the various claims to St Margaret’s final resting place.

Join us for a presentation by the authors, an opportunity to ask them questions and complimentary drinks and nibbles!

Books will be on sale at the event or can be purchased direct from the publishers.

Join us @10am on Saturday 31st August for Mass at Stydd Chapel

Stydd Chapel, according to various historians, is considered to be the most likely resting place of St Margaret Clitheroe.

By kind permission of the Revd Canon Brian McConkey, vicar of the Anglican parish in Ribchester, we will celebrate Holy Mass at Stydd Chapel on Saturday morning.

Mass will be followed by a short talk on the history of the chapel.

All are invited to join us on Saturday morning.




B&B Special Offer
Guests of the book launch are invited to stay overnight at Theodore House, at a reduced price:
*Single room, bed and breakfast: £40
*Twin room, bed and breakfast: £55

Please indicate your attendance and any accommodation requirements by contacting us at [email protected]

Please register below:

This event has closed.
