Integrating Spirit, Mind & Body [mental health webinars]
#2 A Thinking Body, Embodied Minds
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Building on the fundamental Christian vision of the human person as a unity of soul and body, Elizabeth Corcoran explores the benefits for mental health in caring for our body in a holistic manner, drawing on her experience of Functional Medicine.
About the speaker:

Dr Liz Corcoran has a passion for empowering people to restore their health through changing how they interact with their world. Through her own and family members’ struggles with health she was led to Functional Medicine. She graduated Royal Free University College London in 2005 and completed higher training in psychiatry. She has pursued further education with the Institute of Functional Medicine as a means to ‘come alongside’ her patients to help them make changes and improve their health. She also runs the only UK charity focused on medical research helping people with Down’s syndrome.