A Heart To Heart
[evening talk]
24 October, 7:30pm [2019]
A Journey Through Neman's Life and Work
Bl. John Henry Newman will be canonised on 13th October. Explore his life and spirituality in this three-part talk.
John Henry Newman is the latest English person to be canonised. He is a figure of great importance for our time. Fr Laurence Gambella will explore Newman’s life and work, taking us on a three-part encounter with this great man:
- Newman’s Heart: the personal encounter with God – the affairs of the heart – are central to understanding this saint
- Newman’s Life: a sketch of Newman’s life and his spiritual journey
- Newman’s Relevance for Today: pointers for the hope that Newman can provide for the future

About the speaker:
Fr Laurence Gambella is a priest of Salford Diocese, hailing from Blackburn. He studied at Oxford University, the Pontifical Beda College in Rome and the Pontifical Institute of Arabic and Islamic Studies. He serves as chaplain to the Catholic Medical Association and as Hospital Chaplain.
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