The Christian Heritage Centre

Clergy Events Retreats

Priesthood: Ever Ancient, Ever New

Ever Ancient, Ever New
[silent clergy retreat]

Monday 17th - Friday 21st April [2023]

A retreat for secular and religious clergy reflecting on the nature of Christ's priesthood, as shared by the priest.

The retreat will be preached by Mgr John Armitage, of the Diocese of Brentwood.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to con/celebrate Mass individually at their own time, in Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Mgr John Armitage is a priest of Brentwood Diocese. He is currently parish priest of Canning Town, having returned to his East End roots after serving as Rector of the National Shrine of Walsingham for five years.


Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):


Events Retreats

Priests in post-Covid Britain [clergy retreat]

Priests in (post-?)Covid Britain
[silent clergy retreat]

Monday 3rd - Friday 7th October [2022]

A retreat for secular and religious clergy, reflecting on the lessons of Covid and on how a bounce-back might be effected.

The retreat will be preached by Fr de Malleray, of the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter.

The Covid lockdown has taken a toll on priests and their congregations. Congregations have diminished and some churches are struggling to remain open. Furthermore, there have already been warnings that worse might yet affect society and the Church in the future. What are the lessons from Covid? How can the Church “bounce back”?

The retreat will cover the following themes:

1) The Church’s teaching on nature and grace, remembering that sin wounds nature but does not destroy it.

2) The Church’s understanding of divine grace, which priests are equipped to transmit to souls to lead them to everlasting glory.

3) The priest’s powers and mission, drawn from Christ the Redeemer as priestly Model.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with two conferences per day.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time, in Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Latin Compline.

Fr Armand de Malleray began his ministry in the Southwark Archdiocese in 2001. He has been giving clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad for over two decades. As rector of St Mary’s Shrine, he is based in the Liverpool Archdiocese. He is the author of the following books:

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£320 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):


Events Retreats

Loving Holiness [weekend retreat]

Loving Holiness:
St Joseph & Our Lady
[weekend retreat]

31st July - 2nd August 2021

Meditations on the holiest of married couples, in honour of the year dedicated to St Joseph by Pope Francis

A weekend retreat for any adult, whether single, married or consecrated

Conferences preached by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

Daily timetable includes Holy Mass (Extraordinary Form), Eucharistic Adoration, Rosary, Latin Compline and Confession.

Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s church available for prayer.

Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside.

Comfortable en-suite accommodation in a quiet setting.


  • Arrivals from 3pm (Saturday)
  • Retreat commences at 6pm (Saturday)
  • Departures from 3pm (Monday)
About the speaker:

Fr Armand de Malleray, F.S.S.P., was born in France. After military service in Hungary and seminary studies in Germany, he was ordained a priest in 2001. As a priest, he has spent much of his time in England, working with youth and in parishes. He established the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in England, and has become well known as a retreat director for priests and laity alike.


Single room:  £160 per person

Twin room (sharing): £110 per person

Costs include full board from Saturday dinner to Monday lunch inclusive.

Precautions against Covid-19 are implemented at Theodore House as advised by the Government.

In case of cancellation or postponment resulting from Covid-19, deposits and payments will be refunded or carried over.

All places are now sold out. If you would like to register your name as a reserve in case of cancellation, please email [email protected]

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):


Events Retreats

The God Who Speaks [Lenten talks]

The God Who Speaks
[Lenten talks]

4, 11, 18, 25 March, 7:30pm 2020

A series of evenings in Lent reflecting on Scripture.

An initiative for the Year of Scripture on the 10th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s ‘Verbum Domini’.

Following the Catholic Bishop’s Conference of England and Wales’ declaration of a Year of Scripture, we offer a series of 4 evenings during Lent, studying Benedict XVI’s ‘Verbum Domini’ and meditating on Scripture.

The sessions will be led by Barbara Mason, and will include some ‘lectio Divina’ and opportunities for discussion.
Please bring a Bible!
About the speaker:

Barbara Mason has been involved in faith formation for over twenty-five years in the UK where she currently resides, and internationally, giving retreats, talks, catechetical instruction and Bible Studies to young people and adults.


£5 (covers study booklet and refreshments)

Please register below:

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Events Retreats

The Power of Faith [youth retreat]

This event has been postponed due to Covid-19

A retreat for young people to consider their life of prayer more deeply, and to engage with their faith more seriously.

A 3-day Holy Week, reflecting on Lent and preparing for Easter, led by NET Ministries

“If Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain” (1 Cor 15:14).

In the first half of the retreat, participants will be led to explore how God can transform one’s life when we seek Him constantly in prayer. The second half of the retreat will consider the direct impact that Christ’s Resurrection should have on our lives, and how His power can help overcome difficulties.

A variety of sessions make for a powerful and dynamic experience, with guided prayer, testimonies, discussion, music and drama.


Comfortable ensuite rooms and continental breakfast.

Experience the beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate.

About NET Ministries:

The mission of NET Scotland is to challenge young people to love Christ and embrace the life of the Church. The ministry was established in 1981 and since then NET teams have led over 32,000 retreats and ministered to more than 2 million young Catholics. In the last 2 years, we have worked with over 13,000 young people in Scotland.


£139 per person, single room.

£119 per person, twin room (shared).*

All meals are included in the cost of the retreat.

*If booking a place for one child with this option, they will be assigned a room with another participant of the same sex and similar age.

Please register below:

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Events Retreats

Holy Church & Her Priests [clergy retreat]

Holy Church & Her Priests
[clergy retreat]

27 April - 1 May [2020]

This event has been cancelled due to Covid-19

A five-day, silent retreat on the theme of the priest's relationship to the Church.

Through a traditional ecclesiology, spirituality and liturgy, the retreat will explore the relationship of the priest to the Church. It will focus on the importance of priestly sanctity for the welfare of Holy Mother Church.

Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!

The retreat will be preached, with opportunity for individual spiritual direction.

Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time, in Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s Church.

Daily Holy Hour and Latin Compline.

Guided tour of the Stonyhurst College Historic Libraries and Old Chapel Museum: see more about the College’s Collections here.

All accommodation is en-suite and full board is included.

Ideal surroundings for a retreat: peaceful and beautiful!

Arrivals for 2pm; departures from 2pm.

See more about Theodore House here.

About the speaker:

Fr de Malleray has fifteen years’ experience of leading clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad. Based in the Liverpool Archdiocese, he is the author of Ego Eimi – It is I: Falling in Eucharistic Love. His forthcoming book is on the sacred priesthood. He is the editor of the quarterly magazine Dowry, and general chaplain of the youth movement Juventutem and of the Confraternity of St Peter, an international prayer network for priestly vocations and ministry.


£320 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):

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Events Retreats

A Holy Night [advent retreat]

A Holy Night
Amidst the Christmas Chaos
[advent retreat]

13 December, 8pm - 14 December, 8pm 2019

Join us for a quiet night away to prepare for the Christmas Mystery.

Give yourself a moment to reflect and meditate on the meaning of Christmas.

An overnight stay away, for an evening and morning of recollection, prayer and community.

Two talks by CHC Director, Stefan Kaminski:

  • Advent: Preparing a Way for the Lord
  • Christmas: The Limitless Limits Himself

Mass in the beautiful church of St Peter, communal prayer and Eucharistic Adoration.

Comfortable ensuite rooms and continental breakfast.

Experience the beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate.

About the speaker:

Stefan Kaminski studied for Philosophy and Theology degrees at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and gained a Licentiate in Studies in Marriage and Family Life from the John Paul II Institute, (also in Rome). He has worked in a number of parishes and schools in various roles, providing catechesis, talks and teaching, lastly serving as Head of Theology at Blanchelande College in Guernsey.


Single room:  £49 p.p.

Twin room (sharing): £35 p.p.

Costs include bed and breakfast.


Please register below:

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Events Retreats

Restoring Manhood [mens’ retreat]

Restoring Manhood:
Man as son of God, husband and father
[mens' retreat]

29 November, 6pm - 1 December, 3pm 2019

A retreat offering reflections on a Christian and authentic manhood in the light of God's revelation.

A weekend retreat for any man aged 18 years or older, single or married.

The retreat will consist of conferences preached by Fr Armand, within a framework of prayer.

Holy Mass will be celebrated each day in the Extraordinary Form.

The day’s structure will include Eucharistic adoration, rosary and Latin compline and Confession.

Make use of the Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s church for private prayer.

Enjoy the beautiful surrounding countryside with its network of footpaths.

Comfortable en-suite accommodation make Theodore House a fantastic retreat setting!

About the speaker:

Fr Armand de Malleray, F.S.S.P., was born in France. After military service in Hungary and seminary studies in Germany, he was ordained a priest in 2001. As a priest, he has spent much of his time in England, working with youth and in parishes. He established the Priestly Fraternity of St Peter in England, and has become well known as a retreat director for priests and laity alike.


Single room:  £160

Twin room (sharing): £110

Costs include full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.


Please register below (deposit payment required):

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Events Retreats

Kerygma Bible Retreat [retreat]

Kerygma Bible retreat

19 October, 9:30am - 20 October, 3pm 2019

A Bible-based retreat focusing on the core Gospel message of Salvation.

An opportunity for Catholics to renew the graces of Baptism and Confirmation.

Led by Barbara Mason, the Kerygma Bible retreat offers a profound reflection on the Good News of Jesus Christ through Scripture and the Church’s teaching. The weekend will offer a prayerful catechesis and Scritpure-based meditation, in order to stimulate a personal renewal.

The topics covered include:

  • The Goodness of Creation
  • Original Sin
  • The Necessity of Jesus Christ
  • Pentecost and Beyond
About the speaker:

Barbara Mason has been involved in faith formation for over twenty-five years in the UK where she currently resides, and internationally, giving retreats, talks, catechetical instruction and Bible Studies to young people and adults.


Residential option: single room, £90 (full board)

Non-residential: £50 (includes Saturday lunch & dinner, Sunday lunch)


Please register below:

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