The Christian Heritage Centre

Courses Events

Divine, Human & Artificial Intelligence [residential course]

Short summer courses

'What is Knowing?'
Divine, Human and
Artificial Intelligence

23rd - 26th August 2024

“Until maybe a couple of years ago had I been asked what is the most pressing and important conversation we should be having about our future, I might have said climate change or one of the other big challenges facing humanity, such as terrorism, antimicrobial resistance, the threat of pandemics or world poverty. But today I am convinced the most important conversation we should be having is about the future of AI. It will dominate what happens with all of these other issues for better or for worse.”

Prof. Jim Al-Khalili, Head of the British Science Association, 2018

In partnership with

'What is Knowing?' Divine, Human and Aritificial Intelligence

CEPHAS 2024 will be an opportunity to engage in ‘the most important conversation we should be having’ about ‘the future of AI’.

The course will reflect in a profound way on the nature of knowing, and the implications of Artificial Intelligence for the present and the future.

To provide context to the particularity of artificial intelligence, the course will first explore Aquinas’s account of divine, angelic, and human knowing, as well as the nature and uses (both actual and potential) of different forms of artificial knowing and intelligence.

The course requires no prior qualification or knowledge, but is intended to serve as an introduction or primer to Catholic, Thomistic philosophy and theology.

The course is offered to anyone wishing to engage in this area. It may be of special interest to future, current or former students of philosophy and theology, and secondary-level teachers of the same.

For queries about the course content or requirements, please contact Dr George Corbett at [email protected]

CEPHAS courses are built around a combination of philosophical and theological lectures and workshops, with plenty of discussion.

A guest talk, accompanied by good wine, is offered on one of the evenings.

The course is framed by opportunities for Mass during the day and communal prayer in the morning and evening.

Fr Jean Gové’s research—in philosophy of mind and language—focuses on the relationship between thought, reference, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence.

A diocesan priest from the Archdiocese of Malta, he is currently completing his PhD in philosophy at the University of St Andrews, where he also studied for his masters (MLitt in Philosophy). He received his Bachelor of Sacred Theology from the University of Malta, and he has also studied, as a visiting researcher, at the Pontifical Gregorian University (Rome) and at the Institut Jean Nicod (ENS, Paris).

He lectures at St Mary’s University, Twickenham, and he has also regularly guest-lectured at the Department of AI, University of Malta.

Prof. George Corbett (Director of CEPHAS) is Professor of Theology at the School of Divinity, University of St Andrews. Previously, he held positions as Junior Research Fellow in Philosophy, Trinity College, and affiliated lecturer, University of Cambridge. He received his BA (double first), MPhil (distinction), and PhD (AHRC-funded) from the University of Cambridge. He has also studied in Pisa (as an Erasmus-Socrates exchange scholar at La Scuola Normale Superiore), Rome (Institutum Pontificium Alterioris Latinitatis), and Montella (Vivarium Novum).

He teaches and researches in historical and systematic theology (with specialisms in medieval theology, Aquinas’s theology and its influence, and Catholic theology) and theology and the arts (with specialisms in Dante studies, sacred music, and theological aesthetics).

Prof. Corbett is the author of Dante’s Christian Ethics: Purgatory and Its Moral Contexts (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020) and Dante and Epicurus: A Dualistic Vision of Secular and Spiritual Fulfilment (Oxford: Legenda, 2013),  and is co-editor of Vertical Readings in Dante’s Comedy, 3 vols (Cambridge: Open Book Publishers, 2015-17), an international collaboration by thirty-four scholars on a reappraisal of the whole poem. He has also published on Aquinas, sacred music, medieval theology, and the arts.

Sr Valery Walker, O.P. is a Dominican Sister of the Stone Congregation. In the early 1970s, she was introduced by Fr Romuald Horn O.P. to a particular method of studying the Summa Theologica of St Thomas Aquinas. Since then, she has run numerous study days on Saint Thomas study days and weekends.

Sr. Magdalene Eitenmiller, O.P. is a Dominican sister of the Stone Congregation.

She received a Master’s degree in Theology (Ave Maria University, Florida), and the Licentiate in Sacred Theology in Thomistic Studies (Dominican House of Studies, Washington, D.C.), and she is currently pursuing doctoral studies with the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas (the Angelicum) in Rome. She is the author of “On the Separated Soul according to St. Thomas Aquinas,” Nova et Vetera 17.1 (2019):57-91 and “Grace as Participation according to St. Thomas Aquinas” New Blackfriars (2017): 689-708, among other publications.

Sr. Magdalene teaches courses on the thought of St. Thomas Aquinas online, and has developed a website called, as well as a Youtube channel, Facebook, and Instagram pages.

She believes that theological studies can help one develop a deeper union with God and strengthen one’s faith, especially when learning from the teachings of Aquinas, one of the greatest theologians of all time.

Dr Joey Belleza is a recent doctoral graduate of the University of Cambridge, where he wrote a dissertation entitled “In Principio Erat Signum: Dueling Dionysianisms & Sacramental Semiotics in Thomistic and Mystical Franciscan Poetry”. His research interests span the fields of historical and systematic theology, Thomistic and Franciscan studies, liturgical studies, and contemporary philosophy. He is currently Assistant for Marketing & Communications for the CHC.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 3pm (Friday)
  • Course commences with dinner at 7pm (Friday) and introductions; lectures commence Saturday at 9:15am.
  • Departures after lunch (Monday)

Single room: £320 p.p.*

Twin room (sharing): £270 p.p.*

Non-residential, (includes lunch and dinner): £180 p.p.

*Costs include full board from Friday dinner to Monday lunch inclusive.

Bursaries are available for anyone (whether employed or not) who would like to come but would benefit from financial assistance. Please contact us at [email protected] for further information.

“My first Cephas event has been excellent and I would recommend to everyone to attend. Hope to book for next year’s. Great learning environment, relaxed and no pressure, which I really appreciated.

It’s a real tribute to everyone who has been involved in pulling off such a huge topic brilliantly. Well done!

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):

Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

The Priest as Spouse and Bridegroom

Clergy retreat

Priest: Spouse and Bridegroom

Monday 8th - Friday 12th April [2024]

A reflection on the priesthood as manifestation of Christ's spousal love for the Church

Preached by Fr Anthony Doe of the Diocese of Westminister

“The priest is called to be the living image of Jesus Christ, the Spouse of the Church… to live out Christ’s spousal love towards the Church, his Bride.” (Saint John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis 22) 

The retreat will focus on the priest’s identification with Christ as the bridegroom of His bride, the Church. It will consider the priesthood in its spousal character, beginning with the priest’s configuration to Christ and his participation in Christ’s love for his Church through pastoral charity. Priestly celibacy will then be considered as the expression of a man’s self-gift in the priesthood, as founded on an intimate friendship with Christ.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time or to concelebrate, using both Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Fr Anthony Doe is a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster, ordained in 1981. He is a qualified psychotherapist, with multiple post graduate degrees. He exercises his priestly ministry as a therapist and spiritual director, and is an experienced retreat director. Fr Doe has served as the Spiritual Director of the Venerable English College in Rome and is currently Spiritual Director at Allen Hall Seminary in London.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Events Retreats

Praying with Saint Teresa

Weekend Retreat

Praying with
Saint Teresa of Avila

8th - 10th March 2024

A weekend with St Teresa of Avila

Led by Fr Matthew Blake, OCD

This retreat explores the life and faith of Teresa of Avila (also called Teresa of Jesus), one of the great Spanish mystics who, with Saint John of the Cross, established the Discalced Carmelites. Her works The Interior Castle and The Way of Perfection, in addition to her autobiography The Life of St Teresa of Jesus, have become beloved classics of Christian spirituality. St Teresa’s spirituality was dominated by themes such as:

  •  The nature of mystical union

  •  The role of contemplative meditation

  •  Asceticism and detachment from vice

  •  The relationship between prayer and action

This retreat will offer several talks over the weekend, framed by opportunities for Mass, communal prayer in the morning and evening, and Adoration.

Free time for walks and reflection is built into each retreat.

Fr Matthew Blake is a Carmelite priest. Originally from Ireland, he has lived and worked  in the UK for more than thirty years. His ministry has mainly involved retreat direction, for which he is well-known in the UK, and he has also worked in many different parishes.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 3pm for a 6pm start on Friday
  • Departures from 3pm on Sunday
Cost (per retreat)

Single room: £210 p.p.*

Twin room (sharing): £150 p.p.*

Non-residential (includes lunches and dinners): £90

*Costs include full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.

“This was an amazing experience, great speaker, comfortable venue, with great staff and activities.”

For inquiries or to be placed on the waiting list, please email us directly at: [email protected]

Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Courses Events

Ancient Byzantine Iconography Course 2024 [residential course]

A 7-day course in

Ancient Byzantine Iconography

4th - 10th June 2024

Offering two separate icons and tracks for novices and experienced iconographers

A 7-day icon-writing course led by Deacon Nikita Andrejev, of the Prosopon School of Iconology

Over the 7 days of this iconography course, students will develop the contemplative practice of icon writing using the ancient art of liquid egg tempera technique.

The teaching of the technical craft of icon writing will be accompanied by the study of the theological world view from which the practice emerged. The practical demonstrations and direction will therefore be framed by a discussion of the symbolic meaning of the iconic forms, of the materials and of the processes involved.

Surrounded by peace and beautiful scenery, this week-long immersion into an ancient form of prayer and the accompanying technique serves as an excellent opportunity to refresh and recreate your soul in prayer and a warm community environment.

“I don’t know of any other course at such a high standard, with plenty of theological & spiritual input”

“Nikita is an incredibly inspiring teacher”

“Wonderful ambience, stunning setting, warm welcome”

St John the Baptist iconOur course welcomes both novices to the Prosopon technique and more experienced iconographers alike.

Novices (less than 4 icons written in the Prosopon technique) will write an icon of either St Michael or St Gabriel (archangels).

Experienced participants (at least 4 icons written in the Prosopon technique) will write an icon of St John the Baptist.

The theological and spiritual input will be given to the class as a whole.

Separate demonstrations for each step of the two icons will be offered to the two groups separately.

The novice group will benefit from the support of an additional tutor and supervised skills practice.

For years Nikita Andreyev apprenticed to his father, Vladislav Andreyev, complimenting this experience with postgraduate theological studies in Paris and the United States.

As a member of the faculty team of the Prosopon School of Iconology, Nikita has contributed to the development of unique teaching methods. The resulting workshop experience enables participants to create and grow through their icon making, developing spiritually through each icon.

Since its founding in the 1980s, the School has rediscovered lost techniques of the ancient art of liquid egg tempera and has helped ignite a renewed interest in icons across the USA and the western world.

                                                  For more information about Deacon Nikita Andrejev, please click here.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for icon painting. With abundant natural light from the glass roof panels flooding the atrium, this is an inspiring venue for icon painting. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer an ideally peaceful setting. The first floor gallery, which gives access to the comfortable, en-suite bedrooms, affords a birds-eye view of the workshop below. Guests will also enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Classes start at 9am, Tuesday 4th June. Residential participants are welcome to arrive from 6pm on Monday 3rd June, with dinner being included that evening.

Classes end in the afternoon of Monday 10th June, with departures from approx. 4pm.

We are conveniently situated an hour’s drive from Manchester Airport, which is well-connected internationally.

Once you have booked your flights, please provide us with your flight details. 

We will aim to arrange either a pick-up or shared transport with other course participants, either from Manchester Airport itself, or from Preston train station, which has a direct connection to Manchester airport.

Bed and breakfast for extra nights around the course may be be booked at a discounted rate, subject to availability.

Full board* & lodging, single room: £940 p.p.

Full board* & lodging, twin room: £840 p.p.

Non-residential, full board (lunch and dinner*): £660 p.p.

A non-refundable deposit of £250 will be required upon booking.

Balance of course fees will be due 1 month before the course, but may be spread over several installments prior to this date.

*Please note: all meals on this course are fish or vegetarian, as is the custom in this work.

“It was an amazing experience”

“It is always a privilege and a humble experience to be part of an icon painting class; but it is particularly with this class that I learnt the most and had the most change in myself”

Please register below (deposit payment required).
This course is now near capacity. If the places indicated below are sold out, please email us at [email protected] to inquire about a place on our waiting list.


Clergy Events Retreats

Renewing a Priestly Spirituality

Renewing a Priestly Spirituality
[silent clergy retreat]

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd September [2023]

A retreat focusing on key themes for a healthy, priestly spirituality

The retreat will be preached by the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest

The retreat will offer a series of talks addressing the following themes, with the intention of nourishing some of the fundamentals of priestly life and spirituality:

  • The Sacred Heart as model for Priests
  • The Priesthood of Our Lord and the priesthood of the ordained minister
  • The Prayer of the Priest
  • The Priest and his Guardian Angel
  • The role of Priestly Silence
  • Priesthood and Friendship
  • Our Lady as Mother of Priests
  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time, or to concelebrate, using both Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Several of the Canons of the ICKSP will contribute different talks on the above themes as part of this retreat.

Canon Vianney Poucin de Wouilt will be the principal preacher and will be present throughout the retreat. He currently serves at the Church of Ss. Peter and Paul and St Philomena in New Brighton, before which he was based at the Shrine Church of St Walburge’s, Preston.

Canon Amaury Montjean, Canon Gwenael Cristofoli and Canon Michael Weiner will also contribute talks to the retreat over the five days.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):



Walk for Life @Stonyhurst


Walk for Life @Stonyhurst

Monday 8th May 2023, 2-6pm

in aid of

Join in to witness to the sanctity of life!

Join us on the Coronation Bank Holiday for a sponsored walk along the Tolkien Trail to raise money for Right to Life.

Show that life, at all its stages from conception to natural death, is sacred and to be cherished.

Pray for the sanctity of life to be upheld in our society.

Raise money for Right to Life, one of the UK’s foremost pro-life charities.

And finally, enjoy a day out in the beautiful Ribble Valley!

Traveling from further afield? Enjoy a 10% discount on B&B accommodation at Theodore House.

Email [email protected] quoting RightToLife

In partnership wtih

Walk a section of the Tolkien Trail

Gather at 2pm at Theodore House, Stonyhurst

2:15pm speech

2:30pm depart Theodore House on a shortened version of the Tolkien Trail

4:30-5pm return to Theodore House

Marshals and a rest stop will service the route.


Adoration and Benediction

5:15pm at St Peter's Church, Stonyhurst

Presided by Rt. Rev. John Arnold, Bishop of Salford.

Reflection by The Lord Alton of Liverpool.

Eucharistic Adoration will also take place through from 2:30pm throughout the duration of the walk, for anyone who is unable to walk but wishes to accompany the event in prayer. Please contact us if you are able to commit to part or all of this time.


5:45pm at Theodore House, Stonyhurst

Join us for tea, coffee and cake in Theodore House afterwards

Christian Leadership Formation programme

Register below, download a sponsorship form and start collecting!

Sponsorship form

Events Retreats

Why God became man [weekend retreat]

A pre-Advent weekend retreat

Why God became man:
Meaning & Consequences of the Incarnation

Friday 24th - Sunday 26th November 2023

“For God has not only made us out of nothing; but He gave us freely, by the Grace of the Word, a life in correspondence with God. ”

St Athanasius

The Christian mystery of Redemption starts with the great Feast of Christmas, when “the Word became Flesh and dwelt among us” (Jn 1:14).

Join us for a weekend retreat just before the beginning of Advent, to give this season of preparation a clear focus on the meaning of Christmas.

Preached by Fr de Malleray, FSSP, the Masses during this retreat will be celebrated in the Extraordinary Form.

The retreat is structured around six talks, with time for personal reflection and for socials.

The retreat is framed by morning and evening prayer, Mass, Adoration and opportunities for confession.

Fr Armand de Malleray began his ministry in the Southwark Archdiocese in 2001. He has been giving clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad for over two decades. As rector of St Mary’s Shrine, he is based in the Liverpool Archdiocese. He is the author of the following books:

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential event. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 5pm for a 6pm start on Friday
  • Departures from 3:30pm on Sunday

Single room:  £180 per person*

Twin room (sharing): £135 per person*

Non-residential: £90 per person (includes lunches and dinners)

*Cost includes full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.

Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Events Retreats

A Great Mystery [marriage enrichment retreat]

A weekend marriage enrichment retreat

"A Great Mystery":
Man and Wife as an image of Christ and His Church

Friday 19th - Sunday 21st May 2023

Discover the beauty and significance
of the Catholic vision for marriage

“There is a strong need in the Church and in the world to rediscover the meaning and value of the conjugal union between a man and a woman, on which the family is founded”

Pope Francis, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 27th January 2023

Take time out to discover the value that the Church places on human love in the marital covenant, and its significance as an icon of the love of Christ for His Church. In a society that continues to experience high failure rates in marriages, the Church’s Sacrament offers a foundation for the possibility of a lasting and loving covenant, built on an authentic understanding of masculinity and femininity.

The retreat will address the following themes:

  • What does our culture today say about the human person?
  • God’s plan or our plan? The meaning of human nature and love
  • The Rupture between the Sexes: Original Sin and its consequences for relationships
  • “A Great Mystery”: Man and Wife as an image of Christ and His Church
  • Masculinity misconstrued: A Christian model of manhood
  • Equality in difference: Building an authentic femininity

The retreat is structured around six talks, with opportunities for discussion in small groups, for personal reflection and for socials.

The retreat is framed by morning and evening prayer, Mass, Adoration and opportunities for confession.

Fr. David Marsden is a qualified clinical psychologist, spiritual director and experienced retreat leader.
He has worked as a psychologist and formation tutor in two national seminaries and expresses a passion
for accompanying and mentoring young men into living the fullness of their Christian vocation. He
completed an MA in Theology at the Maryvale Institute in 2016 with the title of his dissertation being
‘The Priest as Spiritual Father.’ He has written a Theology of the Body (TOB) healing retreat, served
as chaplain to the TOB Institute in the USA and co-founded the TOB Network UK along with Dr.
Christine Ward in 2020. He is currently the spiritual director of the Men & Women of St. Joseph
which is a national movement aimed at restoring a vibrant Catholic faith in England.

Christine Ward has been married to Tom for 32 years, they have four children and live in North Yorkshire, UK.  Christine completed an MA through the Maryvale Institute in Birmingham in 2011 and completed her PhD also through Maryvale in 2017.  She teaches the Christian Anthropology and Sexual Ethics modules for the Master’s programme at Maryvale and she also lectures on the Sacrament of Marriage at Oscott Seminary in Birmingham.  

An extract from her doctoral thesis: “An empirical study of the nature of the disconnect between faith and praxis:  An examination of the sexual moral teaching of the Catholic Church in light of those electing to marry in the Catholic Tradition” has been published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing.  She is the co-founder of the ‘Theology Of the Body Network UK’, an initiative that was launched in launched September 2020.  The aim of the TOB Network UK is to connect all those interested in studying Theology of the Body/Magisterial teaching on marriage and sexuality.  The Network has run several retreats and talks since its inception and has a data base of over 240 members from across the UK.  Christine has given talks in many parishes, at Youth 2000, New Dawn and at Fisher House at Cambridge University.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 5pm (Friday)
  • Retreat commences with evening prayer at 6:45pm and dinner at 7pm
  • Departures from 3:30pm on Sunday

Residential: £330 per couple (includes en-suite twin room and full board*)

Non-residential: £190 per couple (includes lunch and dinner*)

*from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.

If you would like to attend as a single person or as a non-married couple, please contact us for availability and pricing.

A limited number of bursaries are available for. Please contact us for further information.

Contact: [email protected]

“I feel like I have learnt so much and opened my heart and mind to the Church.”

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):


Courses Events

Building Catholic Culture in Education [residential course]

CPD for leaders of Catholic schools & MATs

Building Catholic Culture in Education

Friday 12th - Sunday 14th May 2023

A weekend exploring essential themes
for a Catholic ethos in today’s schools

“[The Catholic school’s] proper function is to create for the school community a special atmosphere animated by the Gospel spirit of freedom and charity … and to order the whole of human culture to the news of salvation so that the knowledge the students gradually acquire of the world, life and man is illumined by faith”

Second Vatican Council, Declaration on Christian Education “Gravissimum Educationis”

Our weekend course is aimed at governors, trustees, chief executives, heads and senior leaders who wish to engage in a serious discussion around the fundamentals of Catholic identity in a secular, multi-cultural and post-modern society, and the challenges of creating and sustaining a Catholic culture in educational settings in today’s Britain.

Bringing together an array of experienced and insightful practitioners with a variety of backgrounds, the course will enable a deeper understanding of the theological building blocks of a Catholic culture. The course will examine the opportunities and challenges presented by the increasingly secular culture in Britain today, in order to reflect on the commonalities and differences that go towards defining Catholic educational institutions.

Keynote speech:

Cultural Challenges to Catholic Education

by Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali

Nazir-Ali, Mgr Michael2


  • Why Catholic? The Uniqueness and Universality of Christ’s Church in a Pluralist World
  • Shifting Sands: Secular and Catholic Concepts of Person and Society
  • A Question of Nature: Created Male and Female or Genderless Creation?
  • Educating to be Catholic in Contemporary Society
  • Culture Wars in Catholic Schools: Feminism, LGBT and Critical Race Theory
  • Managing Culture Wars from a Legal Standpoint

This course is intended for those in positions of leadership or governance in Catholic multi-academy trusts and schools, whether as executives, senior leaders, governors or trustees.

The weekend is built around six sessions and a keynote speech, allowing for questions and discussion time with each speaker, as well as dedicated discussion and plenary sessions.

A framework of prayer will be offered with daily morning and evening prayer and Mass.

Evening socials and free time provide a great opportunity for networking in a relaxed environment.

Mgr Michael Nazir-Ali was the 106th Bishop of Rochester, for 15 years, until 1 September 2009. He is originally from Southwest Asia and was the first Diocesan Bishop in the Church of England born abroad. He was appointed in 1994. Before that he was the General Secretary of CMS from 1989-1994 and prior to holding this position was Bishop of Raiwind in Pakistan. He holds both British and Pakistani citizenship and from 1999 was a member of the House of Lords where he was active in a number of areas of national and international concern. He has both a Christian and a Muslim family background and is now President of the Oxford Centre for Training, Research, Advocacy and Dialogue (OXTRAD).

Rev. Stephen Morgan has been Rector of the University of Saint Joseph since 2020. Originally from Wales in the UK, he is an Associate Professor of Theology and Ecclesiastical History.

After a career in finance in the City of London and Hong Kong, he spent fifteen years as the CFO/COO of a large not-for-profit in the UK. Returning to academic work in 2009, he read for a DPhil in Theology at the University of Oxford, where he was a post-doctoral Research Associate of St Benet’s Hall between 2013 and 2015. He has been a member of the academic staff of the Maryvale Institute of Higher Religious Sciences since 2011.

Katherine Bennett has a BA in Theology and an MA in Philosophy, and has taught Religious Education for over 20 years in London schools. She is now a writer and broadcaster, running weekly conversations about the Catholic Faith on YouTube, writing for the Catholic Herald and working with Catholic Voices. She was commissioned by Archbishop John Wilson to be deanery mentor responsible for evangelisaton in Southwark. 



Ryan Christopher read history at the University of Cambridge before studying Philosophy at the Pontifical University of St Thomas Aquinas and Theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University.
His passion for Christian anthropology is the result of years of experience in the field of teaching and evangelisation. Ryan held senior posts at Ampleforth College, York, and St Aloysius’ College, Glasgow as well as teaching in the state sector and providing private tuition. Ryan serves as director of ADF UK in London. He is the advisor to the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Religious Education and regularly engages with the Department for Education regarding Christian Education. 

Dr Gavin Ashenden studied theology at Oak Hill Theological College in London, and was ordained as an Anglican priest by + Mervyn Stockwood in Southwark Cathedral in 1980. He lectured at the University of Sussex for 23 years on the Psychology of Religion and Literature. He was a member of the General Synod of the Church of England for 20 years, and served as Chaplain to the Queen from 2008 to 2017.

Gavin resigned from the Church of England in 2017, then being ordained as a Missionary bishop to the UK and Europe for the Christian Episcopal Church. He has since been received into the Roman Catholic Church by + Mark Davies at Shrewsbury Cathedral. Dr Ashenden now writes as a lay Catholic, contributing articles to both secular and religious press, and continuing his well-established online ministry.

Stefan Kaminski studied philosophy and theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and gained a Licentiate from the John Paul II Institute for Marriage and Family Life. He has worked in parishes delivering catechesis, and in a wide range of schools in various roles from chaplain to governor and Head of Theology. He has served as Director of The Christian Heritage Centre charity for four years, creating and delivering Catholic formation to a range of audiences.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals from 5pm (Friday)
  • Course commences with evening prayer at 6:45pm and dinner at 7pm (Friday), followed by introductions and the first session
  • Departures from 3:15pm on Sunday

Single room: £220 p.p.*

Twin room (sharing): £180 p.p.*

Non-residential, (includes lunches and dinners): £130 p.p.

*Includes full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch inclusive.

Bursaries of up to £70 p.p. are available to support with the cost of the course where required.

Please contact [email protected] for further information.

“The lecture content was well organised and focused on practical situations – intellectually challenging, but stimulating and easy to follow. Presentation was great and brought emphasis on the important points.”

“Thank you so much for this conference and all the effort and hard work that has been put into it. The ability to gather and discuss with a framework of reflection and prayer/sacraments is truly precious.

Please register below (includes £50 p.p. deposit payment):


Courses Events

Marriage Preparation

Marriage Preparation

2024​​ Courses

Preparing you for marriage in the Catholic Church

“It is necessary to make preparatory programmes for the Sacrament of Marriage ever more effective, not only for human growth, but above all for the faith of the engaged couples. The fundamental objective of this encounter is to help engaged couples realise a progressive integration into the mystery of Christ, in the Church and with the Church.” (Pope Francis, Address to the Tribunal of the Roman Rota, 21 January 2017)

About CHC Marriage Preparation courses

Our courses meet the requirements for preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage in the Catholic Church.

They have been specifically designed to offer couples a presentation of fundamental, underlying themes as well as of the Sacrament of Marriage itself, according to the theological vision of the Catholic Church. Intrinsic to this presentation is an emphasis on personal integrity and honest communication as a couple, founded on the primary relationship with God.

Our Director, Stefan Kaminski, gained a licentiate at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family Life, the Church’s only institute dedicated to this area. He is supported by his wife, Eleonora, who is similarly qualified, and a team of couples who are experienced in delivering marriage preparation as well as in marriage itself!

Our events take place at Theodore House, set on the stunning Stonyhurst estate in the Ribble Valley.

2024 Marriage preparation course

Saturday 27th January & 3rd February (10am - 5pm)

Our marriage preparation course runs over two consecutive Saturdays.
The course explores all the fundamental themes necessary to providing couples with a clear overview of the vision for marriage offered by the Catholic Church, examining the Sacrament of Marriage through the promises that couples will make during the wedding ceremony.
Relational content is explored as part of the course through helpful questionnaires, which  couples will have time to share and discuss.
Time for discussion and questions is built into each day, with material for couples to take away and reflect on as they approach their wedding.
The cost of the course includes a buffet lunch and refreshments on both days.
Marriage preparation

£90 per person / £180 per couple
