The Christian Heritage Centre

Clergy Events Retreats

The Eucharist and the Liturgy

Diaconal retreat

10th - 12th October 2025

The Eucharist
& the Liturgy

A retreat for permanent deacons, to include spouses

Preached by Fr Matthew Jarvis, OP, Prior of the Rosary Shrine

In this Year of Hope, our annual deacons’ retreat will turn to the ‘source and summit’ of that hope: the Eucharist. 

The retreat will firstly explore ways of understanding the Real Presence, how the bread and wine are totally converted into the Body and Blood of Christ, gaining insights from the Church Fathers and medieval theologians like St Thomas Aquinas.

With St Irenaeus, the Doctor of Unity, consideration will be given to the seeking of fuller unity in the Church, through the relation between the communion of the Church and the communion of the Eucharist.

The retreat will also examine the meaning of liturgical texts and gestures, such as the office of Corpus Christi and the elevation of the Chalice.

Finally, the pastoral application of this theology and spirituality will be explored, such as the encouraging of frequent reception of Holy Communion with the proper preparation and dispositions.

Extend your retreat with a further 24 hours of private recollection or time out with the option to arrive on Thursday evening.

  • The retreat is offered specifically for permanent deacons, married or unmarried
  • Deacons’ wives are welcome to attend and participate
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • The retreat will maintain silent recollection during the day, with time for sharing and social amongst participants in the evening
  • The retreat timetable will include daily Mass, a Holy Hour and Compline.
  • Single and twin rooms are available on a first come, first served basis
  • Option to arrive on Thursday for an extra 24 hours of private recollection

Fr Matthew Jarvis is Prior of St Dominic’s Priory (the Rosary Shrine) in north London. He also serves as Provincial Secretary for the Dominican friars in Britain and as a member of the Order’s international liturgical commission. His intellectual interests include theology and church history, especially of the Patristic and medieval periods. He is presently researching the medieval and modern practice of Dominican chant for a part-time DPhil at Oxford University.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

For those arriving on Thursday, check in is available from 3pm onwards.

Arrivals are welcome on the Friday from 3pm for a 6pm start.

Departures on Sunday are from 3pm.


Retreat only

Single room: £240 per person*

Twin room: £350 per couple*

*includes full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch

Thursday + Retreat

Single room: £340 per person*

Twin room: £490 per couple*

*includes full board from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch

Please register below (includes £50-£60 deposit payment per person):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Conferences Events

TOB clergy days

Clergy conference series

Approaching a
Theology of the Body

27 November 2024 - 29 January - 26 March 2025

Anthropology, the Sacrament of Marriage and human formation, in pastoral ministry today

“The human body includes… the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift and – by means of this gift – fulfills the meaning of his being and existence.”

Pope Saint John Paul II, General audience, 16th January 1980

Our series of three, day-conferences will examine the Church’s teaching around human love, inspired by Pope St John Paul II’s ‘theology of the body’. The conferences will reflect on John Paul II’s vision of the person as created for communion, on the character of conjugal communion, and on a formation for authentic love.

The conferences are open to seminarians, deacons, religious and priests. 

Each conference stands alone and there is no requirement to attend previous conferences, although they aim to offer a progressive itinerary through related themes.

Discounted Bed and Breakfast acccomodation at Theodore House is available for those wishing to stay overnight.

The first conference will explore the prophetic response of the saintly popes, Paul VI and John Paul II, to the related issues of contraception and our understanding of human sexuality, in Humanae vitae and in the “Theology of the Body” respectively. Conference topics:

  1. The Humanae vitae controversy
  2. Humanae vitae in dialogue with the Church’s Tradition
  3. The Gift of Creation: The Human Person before God
  4. The Dynamics of Gift and the Sexual Complementarity

The second conference will examine the nature of conjugal love and the three goods of marriage in order to offer a clear response to contemporary ambiguities around love and marriage, with the preparation for marriage of today’s couples in mind. Conference topics:

  1. What is Love? Conjugality vs Cohabitation
  2. Faithfulness: The Foundation of Matrimony
  3. The Gift of Children: Building a Family
  4. The Sacrament of Marriage: The Christian Newness

The third conference will focus on the formation of the person in chastity, and will consider the two vocations at the service of the Church’s mission as a point of reference. Conference topics:

  1. Sacramental Self-Giving: The Complementarity of Priesthood and Matrimony
  2. The Role of Virtue in Building a Chaste Character
  3. Facing today’s Challenges to living Chastity
  4. Responding to Gender: Discerning between Myth and Reality

Each conference is structured around four sessions, two in the morning and two in the afternoon, with opportunities for discussion and questions.

A tea/coffee break is offered between the morning and afternoon sessions.

Midday prayer will be said in common before lunch.

Stefan and Ella Kaminski both have Licentiates from the John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family Life, having dedicated their studies to the themes of human love and sexual complementarity. Stefan serves as Director of The Christian Heritage Centre, where he has been creating and delivering Catholic formation content for the last five years. Ella previously worked at the John Paul II Institute in Rome, before joining Stefan in Lancashire following their marriage. She currently teaches a dogmatic theology course on the Sacrament of Marriage at Oscott Seminary, and is engaged in the Veritas Amoris project. Together, they offer marriage preparation courses and ongoing formation for catechetists.

Theodore House offers a wonderful space for conferences. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting away from the rush of daily life in which to engage intellectually and spiritually. A clean, airy and modern facility in a Grade II listed building.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals for a 10:00am start (welcome and introductions)
  • Departures from approx. 4:45pm
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass in the Theodore House Oratory before or after each conference

Single conference cost: £45 (includes two-course lunch)

Discounted cost for conference series: £115 (includes all three conferences with two-course lunch)

B&B accommodation, single en-suite room: £56 per night (booked separately)

If you require assistance with meeting costs, please contact us on [email protected]

“I feel like I have learnt so much and opened my heart and mind to the Church.”

Please register below (deposit payment required):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

St Teresa and St Therese

Diaconal retreat

St Teresa & St Therese:
A Comparison in Prayer

Friday 4th - Sunday 6th October [2024]

A retreat for permanent deacons, to include spouses, examining the teachings of St Teresa and St Therese on the life of prayer

Preached by Fr Michael Miners, OCDS of the Diocese of Birmingham

As the Year of Prayer progresses, this retreat will be an opportunity to re-engage with two, towering figures of the interior life: St Teresa of Avila and St Therese of Lisieux. At a time when the faithful are continually and increasingly called to prayer for peace in the world and for the conversion of hearts, the retreat will aim to offer nourishment for both the deacon’s own life of prayer and for his ministry of preaching.

The retreat will make particular use of the “Interior Castle” to examine St Teresa of Avila’s understanding of prayer, comparing this with the influence of St John of the Cross in St Therese’s writings.

The option is also available to arrive the day before, on Thursday evening, and to extend the retreat with a further 24 hours of private recollection or time out.

  • The retreat is offered specifically for permanent deacons, married or unmarried
  • Deacons’ wives are welcome to attend and participate
  • Single and twin rooms are available on a first come, first served basis
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • The retreat timetable will include daily Mass, a Holy Hour and Compline.
  • Option to arrive on Thursday for an extra 24 hours of private recollection

Father Michael Miners o.c.d.s was born in Blackburn in 1953. He read theology at St Johns College, Durham, becoming a Catholic there in 1974. He undertook postgraduate research in Durham and then at Keble College, Oxford, before joining Ushaw College Seminary. He was ordained as a priest of the Order of Discaled Carmelites in 1984. Fr Michael has worked in both parish ministry and in formation as a novice master and master of students. He edited the Spiritual Journal “Mount Carmel” for eight years, and has a long experience of preaching retreats and offering Spiritual Direction. After five years as Catholic Chaplain at Keele University (1993-1998) he became a priest of the Archdiocese of Birmingham. Fr Michael lectures in Ecumenism at Oscott College and was Chair of the Diocesan Ecumenism Commission.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

For those arriving on Thursday, check in is available from 3pm onwards.

Arrivals are welcome on the Friday from 3pm for a 6pm start.

Departures on Sunday are from 3pm.


Retreat only

Single room: £230 per person*

Twin room: £330 per couple*

*includes full board from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch

Thursday + Retreat

Single room: £325 per person*

Twin room: £460 per couple*

*includes full board from Thursday dinner to Sunday lunch

Please register below (£50 deposit payment per person required):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

The Fatherhood of the Priest

Clergy retreat

The Fatherhood of the Priest

Monday 28th April - Friday 2nd May [2025]

“I became your father in Christ Jesus through the Gospel”

Preached by Fr Jose Granados, Superior General of the Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and Vice-President emeritus of the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family Life

What does it mean for a man to become a father? And how does Christian fatherhood inform the priesthood?

The priesthood today faces a duplicate challenge: that of the priest’s identity before a secular world, and that of adequately understanding masculinity in a post-modern society.

In this retreat, Fr Jose Granados, dcmj, will first offer a theological reflection on the nature of fatherhood, before moving to the novelty of the Christian fatherhood inaugurated by Christ, in order to finally consider the priesthood as a Sacrament of the Father.

Fr Granados is a widely respected sacramental theologian, a consultor to multiple Vatican dicasteries, author of numerous articles and volumes, as well as an experienced pastor and formator.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time or to concelebrate, using both Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Rev. José Granados, dcjm, is the Superior General of the Disciples of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary and co-founder and president of The Veritas Amoris Project

Fr. Granados earned a Doctorate of Theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (2004, Bellarmine Award). He also holds a degree in Industrial Engineering from the Pontifical University of Comillas (ICAI), Madrid. He teaches theology of marriage at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary (Denver, CO) and at the Séminaire International d’Ars (France).

From 2004 to 2009 Fr. Granados taught dogmatic theology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family at The Catholic University of America. From 2010 to 2019 Fr. Granados was the Vice President and Professor of Dogmatic Theology at the Pontifical John Paul II Institute, Central See (Rome). He is a member of the scientific council of the journals Revista española de teología and Gregorianum

He has been a consultor for the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith (2013-2020), to the Dicastery for the Laity, the Family and Life (2018-2023), and to the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops (2015-2020).

He has authored several publications including; “An Introduction to Sacramental Theology. Signs of Christ in the Flesh”, CUA Press, Washington, DC 2021; “Una sola carne en un solo Espíritu. Teología del matrimonio,” Palabra, Madrid 2014; “La carne si fa amore. Il corpo, cardine della storia della salvezza,” Cantagalli, Siena 2010. Rev. Granados is co-author, with Carl Anderson, of “Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II’s Theology of the Body.”

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£440 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

If you require assistance in meeting the costs of the retreat, please contact [email protected]

Please register below (£50 deposit payment required):

Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

In the Footsteps of the Great Saintly Priests

Clergy retreat

In the Footsteps
of the Great Saintly Priests

Monday 14th - Friday 18th October [2024]

Reflections on St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Padre Pio

Preached by Fr Armand de Malleray, FSSP

“The priest is not a priest for himself; he does not give himself absolution; he does not administer the Sacraments to himself. He is not for himself, he is for you… where there is no longer any priest there is no sacrifice, and where there is no longer any sacrifice there is no religion.” (Saint John Vianney) 

The saints offer models and examplars of holiness for every walk of life: a particularly worthy focus during this Year of Prayer.

This retreat will pick out some of the great priest saints of Europe – St John Fisher, St John Vianney and St Pio of Pietrelcina – to offer a reflection on the character and ministry of the priestly life.

St John Fisher stands as a reformation-era St John the Baptist, most recognised for his objection to King Henry VIII’s divorce of Catherine of Aragon and for his subsequent refusal to acknowledge Anne Boleyn’s daughter as heir to the throne. A cameo ring depicting Aristotle, which belonged to John Fisher, is held at Stonyhurst, having been presented to the College by relatives of Fisher in the 19th century. 

The ring will be loaned for the retreat by the College to the CHC, in order to accompany the clergy during this time of prayer.

St John Vianney also experienced the turmoil and upheaval of religious life brought about in his own country, by the French Revolution. Known for his tirelessness in reconciling people to God, he is rightly upheld as a model of a curator of souls.

St Pio of Pietrelcina is widely known for the gifts he received of the stigmata and of spiritual insight, and his profound piety and charity.

Cameo ring owned by St John Fisher
  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with two talks every day (one on Monday afternoon and one on Friday morning)
  • There will be opportunities for confession
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually and in whichever rite, or to concelebrate 
  • Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church available for the celebration of Mass
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline

Fr Armand de Malleray began his ministry in the Southwark Archdiocese in 2001. He has been giving clergy retreats at various venues in England and abroad for over two decades. Formerly rector of St Mary’s Shrine in the Liverpool Archdiocese, he is now based in Bedford. He is the author of the following books:

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£375 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

The Priest as Spouse and Bridegroom

Clergy retreat

Priest: Spouse and Bridegroom

Monday 8th - Friday 12th April [2024]

A reflection on the priesthood as manifestation of Christ's spousal love for the Church

Preached by Fr Anthony Doe of the Diocese of Westminister

“The priest is called to be the living image of Jesus Christ, the Spouse of the Church… to live out Christ’s spousal love towards the Church, his Bride.” (Saint John Paul II, Pastores Dabo Vobis 22) 

The retreat will focus on the priest’s identification with Christ as the bridegroom of His bride, the Church. It will consider the priesthood in its spousal character, beginning with the priest’s configuration to Christ and his participation in Christ’s love for his Church through pastoral charity. Priestly celibacy will then be considered as the expression of a man’s self-gift in the priesthood, as founded on an intimate friendship with Christ.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time or to concelebrate, using both Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Fr Anthony Doe is a priest of the Archdiocese of Westminster, ordained in 1981. He is a qualified psychotherapist, with multiple post graduate degrees. He exercises his priestly ministry as a therapist and spiritual director, and is an experienced retreat director. Fr Doe has served as the Spiritual Director of the Venerable English College in Rome and is currently Spiritual Director at Allen Hall Seminary in London.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]

Clergy Events Retreats

Renewing a Priestly Spirituality

Renewing a Priestly Spirituality
[silent clergy retreat]

Monday 18th - Friday 22nd September [2023]

A retreat focusing on key themes for a healthy, priestly spirituality

The retreat will be preached by the Canons of the Institute of Christ the King, Sovereign Priest

The retreat will offer a series of talks addressing the following themes, with the intention of nourishing some of the fundamentals of priestly life and spirituality:

  • The Sacred Heart as model for Priests
  • The Priesthood of Our Lord and the priesthood of the ordained minister
  • The Prayer of the Priest
  • The Priest and his Guardian Angel
  • The role of Priestly Silence
  • Priesthood and Friendship
  • Our Lady as Mother of Priests
  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to celebrate Mass individually at their own time, or to concelebrate, using both Theodore House Oratory and St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Several of the Canons of the ICKSP will contribute different talks on the above themes as part of this retreat.

Canon Vianney Poucin de Wouilt will be the principal preacher and will be present throughout the retreat. He currently serves at the Church of Ss. Peter and Paul and St Philomena in New Brighton, before which he was based at the Shrine Church of St Walburge’s, Preston.

Canon Amaury Montjean, Canon Gwenael Cristofoli and Canon Michael Weiner will also contribute talks to the retreat over the five days.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):


Clergy Events Retreats

Priesthood: Ever Ancient, Ever New

Ever Ancient, Ever New
[silent clergy retreat]

Monday 17th - Friday 21st April [2023]

A retreat for secular and religious clergy reflecting on the nature of Christ's priesthood, as shared by the priest.

The retreat will be preached by Mgr John Armitage, of the Diocese of Brentwood.

  • Secular and religious clergy, deacons and seminarians welcome!
  • The retreat will be preached, with opportunities for confession.
  • Clergy are welcome to con/celebrate Mass individually at their own time, in Theodore House Oratory or St Peter’s Church.
  • Daily Holy Hour and Compline.

Mgr John Armitage is a priest of Brentwood Diocese. He is currently parish priest of Canning Town, having returned to his East End roots after serving as Rector of the National Shrine of Walsingham for five years.


Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any retreat. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting and endless opportunities for walks.

All accommodation is en-suite, with comfortable facilities and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

Arrivals are welcome on the Monday from 1pm for a 3pm start.

Departures on Friday are from 3pm.


£360 (includes single, en-suite room and full board)

Please register below (deposit payment required):


Clergy Events

Pastoral Practice Today [clergy webinars]

Pastoral Practice Today
[clergy webinars]

Thursdays @4pm GMT

Pastoral Practice Today is a series of webinars aimed at clergy. The series offers input on different themes relevant to today’s ministry in the Catholic Church and beyond, aiming to offer clergy professional, ongoing support for their ministry.

Webinars take place at 4pm GMT on the advertised Thursdays. Please register at the bottom of this page.

Legislation and Liturgy: Church- State relationships in the light of the pandemic
Thursday 18th March

Bishop John Keenan, of Paisley Diocese, Scotland, will offer an introduction to this webinar.

Lawyers from Alliance Defending Freedom International will then examine the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on the government’s relationship with the Church. In particular, the issue of corporate worship and the administration of the sacraments stands at the heart of debate over religious rights and the government’s mandate to protect public health.

ADFI is a faith-based legal advocacy organization that protects fundamental freedoms and promotes the inherent dignity of all people.  ADFI has considerable international experience of religious and civil liberties legislation, and has assisted with several legal proceedings related to the current pandemic.

Post-Abortion Healing
Thursday 15th April

Rachel’s Vineyard has been offering a ministry of healing and support since 1994 to
those suffering from the trauma of abortion.

The presentation will include how to recognise symptoms of Post Abortion Syndrome, testimonies from those who have been through the trauma of abortion and found God’s mercy and healing
though Rachel’s Vineyard, plus input from a priest who is a chaplain to one of the teams in the UK.

A Crisis of Identity and Sexual Difference
Thursday 22nd July

The notion of identity is, today, one that is increasingly liquid and ultimately considered to be uncertain. This presentation will examine the roots of this crisis of identity. It will then consider the area of human sexuality (in terms of sexual and gender identity) as a particular expression of our identity and therefore in its relation to this crisis.

Rev. Dr. Alberto Frigero is a priest of the Diocese of Milan and Assistant Professor of Ethics of Life at the Higher Institute of Religious Sciences in Milan and lecturer of Religion at the Professional Training Center “In-Presa” in Carate Brianza, Italy. He graduated in Medicine and Surgery and obtained a Master in Integrative Neuroscience at the University of Edinburgh, Scotland. He obtained his Licentiate and Doctorate in Sacred Theology at the Pontifical Theological John Paul II Institute in Rome and Washington.

***Admission is free. We kindly request a donation to support the costs of our activities.***

Please register below:

Clergy Events

Renewal in Christ [clergy lenten recollection]

Renewal in Christ:
Anointing with the Spirit
[clergy lenten recollection]

18 March, 10am - 4pm

A day's Lenten recollection for clergy with Fr Gabriel Kyte, C.F.R.

The day will invite priests to enter more deeply into the Lenten “desert”, seeking a greater docility of heart to the guidance of the Spirit.

Reflections on Jesus’ Baptism, His anointing with the Spirit and His time in the desert,

The day will include: two talks, a Holy Hour with opportunity for confession, guided meditation and a buffet lunch.

Clergy are welcome to arrive earlier or depart later if they would like to spend more time at Theodore House.

Clergy are welcome to use the Theodore House Oratory to celebrate Mass.

For more information about the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, Bradford, please click here.

See more about Theodore House here.


Arrivals with coffee and tea from 10:00am.

10:30am – first talk

11:30am – Adoration and Confessions

12:45pm – lunch

1:45pm – second talk

3pm – guided meditation

Departures from 4:00pm.


£17 (includes buffet lunch)

Add B&B for £35 per night.


Please register below:

This event has closed.
