The Christian Heritage Centre

Support our work

The charity is entirely reliant on donations and grants to sustain its work of providing a theological and spiritual formation for Catholics in the UK and beyond.

The charity aims to keep the costs of its programmed events as low as possible, and to subsidise these when needed, so as to enable anyone to receive the formation offered. The costs of these events do not cover the charity’s overheads, nor allow for expenditure on further projects such as the decoration of the charity’s Oratory at Theodore House.

Please consider making a donation towards one of the appeals below.

Donations can be made via the secure online facility below, or by bank transfer. For bank transfers, please include a reference to indicate which appeal the donation is for.

Account name:  The Christian Heritage Centre at Stonyhurst
Sort:                        01 02 14
Number:              22640304
BIC:                         NWBKGB2L
IBAN:                     GB07NWBK01021422640304

Thomas More Appeal

Contrinute to our Thomas More Appeal, a major fundraiser with a the aim of securing the charity’s future and providing for a fruther development of our activities.

Christian Leadership Formation

Contribute towards the formation of tomorrow’s leaders by providing for a full or a part subsidy of the cost of a place on the programme.

It costs us £1,500 to fund one student on our Christian Leadership Formation programme. This covers all the associated costs of 14 full days of residential, full-time tuition.

Theodore House Oratory

Contribute to the furnishing and maintenance of our Oratory, dedicated to Saints John Paul II & Teresa of Calcutta.

The Oratory is the heart of Theodore House, where the Blessed Sacrament is reserved. It is available 24/7 to participants at the CHC’s events and to other guests at Theodore House, serving as a special place of prayer and recollection.