The Christian Heritage Centre

A retreat for Catholic singles

Called to Love

Saturday 4th - Sunday 5th May 2024

Dating and courtship for contemporary, young Catholics

“The human body includes… the capacity of expressing love, that love in which the person becomes a gift and – by means of this gift – fulfills the meaning of his being and existence.”

Pope Saint John Paul II, General audience, 16th January 1980

Thinking more deeply about the Sacrament of Marriage? Needing time out to reflect on relationships?
Looking to meet that special other?

Called to Love is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about the Catholic vision for human love and sexuality, and the discernment around the Sacrament of Matrimony.

Who is the retreat for?

The retreat is aimed at young adults, and is open both to singles and to couples who are currently dating, offering an opportunity for all to reflect more deeply on the pathway to marriage.

What’s involved?

The retreat will be a relaxed weekend consisting of some input, time for prayer and liturgy, discussion and an evening of dinner and dance!

The input will focus on the following themes:

  • A Catholic anthropology of the sexual complementarity
  • The call to personal communion as an image of the Trinity
  • Dating as a time of discernment for marriage
  • Personal preparation for making a gift of oneself to one’s spouse

Extend your stay!

If you’re travelling from further afield or just want to get away for a bit longer, start your stay with an extra night’s reduced rate B&B on Friday.

The retreat is structured around four sessions, with opportunities for discussion, for prayer and reflection, and for an evening social.

The retreat is framed by morning and evening prayer, with Mass, Adoration and the opportunity for confession.

Stefan and Ella Kaminski both have Licentiates from the John Paul II Institute for Studies in Marriage and Family Life, having dedicated their studies to the themes of human love and sexual complementarity. Stefan serves as Director of The Christian Heritage Centre, where he has been creating and delivering Catholic formation content for the last five years. Ella previously worked at the John Paul II Institute in Rome, before joining Stefan in Lancashire following their marriage. She is engaged in teaching dogmatic theology to seminarians on the one hand, and 5-year-olds on the other. Together, they offer marriage preparation courses and ongoing formation for catechetists.


Fr Peter Littleton is a priest of the Diocese of Southwark. He is engaged in a variety of ministries, including teaching, hospital chaplaincy and young adult ministry. He is an increasingly sought-after spiritual director and is engaged in vocations promotion and direction.

Theodore House offers a wonderful venue for any residential course. The tranquil and beautiful surroundings of the Stonyhurst estate offer a peaceful setting with endless opportunities for walks. Guests will enjoy the comfortable recreational spaces and a beautifully lanscaped garden.

For more information about Theodore House, please click here.

  • Arrivals for a 10:30am start (Saturday)
  • Departures from 3pm (Sunday)
  • For Friday arrivals, check in is available from 4pm


Single room: £150 p.p.*

Twin room (sharing): £110 p.p.*

*includes meals from Saturday lunch to Sunday lunch.

Friday B&B + Retreat:

Single room: £205 p.p.**

Twin room (sharing): £145 p.p.**

**includes meals from Saturday breakfast to Sunday lunch.

If you require assistance with meeting costs, please contact us on [email protected]

“I feel like I have learnt so much and opened my heart and mind to the Church.”

This retreat is intended for young adults. If you have any queries regarding eligibility, please do contact us.

Bookings are now closed. Thank you for your interest.
Venue & Getting to us:

If you are reliant on public transport, please consider traveling by train to Preston train station. From there, we aim to co-ordinate minicab shares or lifts amongst participants of any given event. If you require further advice or assistance, email us: [email protected]