The Christian Heritage Centre

Priests in post-Covid Britain
[clergy retreat]

3rd - 7th October 2022

A 5-day retreat for clergy reflecting on the lessons of Covid and on the needed bounce-back, preached by Fr Armand de Malleray.

Ever Ancient, Ever New
[clergy retreat]

17th - 21st April 2023

A 5-day retreat for clergy on the theme of the priest as an alter Cristi, preached by Mgr John Armitage.

Past Events

Mary, Mother of Priests
[clergy retreat]

13th - 17th September 2021

A 5-day, preached, silent retreat for clergy on the theme of Mary as Mother of Priests.

Pastoral Practice Today
[clergy webinars]

March - July 2021

A series of webinars for clergy, examining various pertinent issues and themes relevant to ministry in the Catholic Church and beyond.

Renewal in Christ:
Anointing with the Spirit
[clergy lenten recollection]

18th March 2020, 10am - 4pm

A day’s Lenten recollection for clergy with Fr Gabriel Kyte, C.F.R.

The Occult & Deliverance Ministry
[clergy conference]

11th March 2020, 10am - 5pm

A day of formation in the rites, practice and spirituality of deliverance ministry.

Praying from the Heart
[clergy advent recollection]

5th December 2019, 10:30am - 3:30pm

A day’s Advent recollection for clergy with Fr Gabriel Kyte, C.F.R.

Secundum Cor Tuum
[clergy retreat]

7th - 11th October 2019

A 5-day, preached, silent retreat for clergy on the configuration of the priestly heart after the Heart of Jesus.